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发布日期:2022-05-25 浏览次数:267

, the of is only to and , but the 5-year rate is the , only 39%. Only 20% of are in the , and most of the are in the and late when they are , the of and can only . For some , the may be , for , but this does not mean the is "".

to , 85% of may the , is very , once it , the are very , the is very , and it is to cure.

, how to and is a of to and .

and is !

The is to the 's of life and . In , many have , , or even the and , will lay the for "" and "". , with must at home and to the of the plan.

How to ? this

The of and mid- of is an . , we must take to the of !


In , one is " and wait" for or . That is to say, no will be the , but the year will be in with the 's ; the year will be once six , and the will .




血液检测的发展(例如, )使我们能够提前预测复发的风险。通过检测循环血液中的肿瘤细胞和肿瘤片段(甚至是DNA水平的肿瘤片段),可以获得肿瘤复发的信号。这对于预测早期和中期肺癌手术后的复发风险非常有帮助。目前的州级也在帮助患者通过医疗保险支付验血费用。


Two, take the ! Two to have been for !

A few ago, the and was " and wait", for the to , for the to in the body the army , and then we in a , but for the It's too late. In , with the on , we have more . At , has been and for with and . For , -line can be used for BRCA . with a or to - . can help the time to .


目前有 2 种 FDA 批准的用于卵巢癌女性的维持治疗,无论突变状态如何:


The U.S. Food and Drug (FDA) (from ) for the of or or BRCA- (or) , tube or with who have a or to -line - . This is also the time a PARP has been for -line

The is on the of the SOLO-1 III , in PARP the risk of or by 70% with in this , and who and The 3-year -free (PFS) were more than as high, at 60% and 27%, .

2. (), a VEGF, is the for .

, are 3 FDA- of for , -, -, and -line:

(1) with and by as a for -line for III or IV ;

(2) with , or in the of - , the be ≤ 2;

(3) with + or + by as for - .

3. of

is the best in the . The is and can us , , 24 a day. It is an fact that with low are to . For , 's and are in the late of AIDS.

The of is in an , and , and will to the of the body. , the as soon as is the top to and .





这些特性使 NK 细胞在肿瘤免疫治疗中大有希望。目前用于肿瘤免疫治疗的 NK 细胞策略包括:体外激活的自体或同种异体 NK 细胞治疗;NK细胞和单克隆抗体(如免疫检查点抑制剂)的组合,以诱导抗体特异性细胞毒性;CAR-NK细胞免疫疗法的构建。

and is on "" NK cell , is to NK from and them into . This has been to be safe and, T-cell , NK do not --host in .

This kind of cell is to the and of NK in the body. 50ml is from , and a very of NK are and then and to the to 1,000 the . 1 to 5 , and then re- into the body, a of NK will 3,000 to 4,000 the body with the , , , , and in the body, so as to . Anti-, and .



在六项卵巢癌临床研究中描述了总共 31 名接受过继转移 NK 细胞的患者。

The of of NK is that of et al., 14 with OC [[59], [60], [61]]. were with and (Cy-Flu), by an of 2.2 x 10 7 NK /kg, and 6 of IL-2 .

, the was well-, with by CT in 4 , in 8, and in 1.

and case to date that NK cell is well and may have a on , but are to NK cell and in vivo .

to the in the , a 60-year-old with who NK cell in was with in 2015, by a of and a huge . with NK , from 11,270 to 580, and all . In , the of the mass on CT scan , and were no side , and is in .

link: NK cell- ( )

good news! U.S. NK in !

2 cell

are the most - in the body so far, and is to T to . , DCs are the of the body's and have a in the of . T in vivo and the of by T . can also the of T and the of T .

from the of and the of co- from cell (OCDC) and from for a of time. The "" that " the line" is to the 's body.

“这个想法是针对肿瘤产生广泛的免疫反应,攻击大量目标。其中一些目标可能只存在于患者自身的肿瘤上,”该研究的合著者 L. 教授说。


With this , the the of the cell OCDC. They 25 with , the from , and into -like that play a key role in the in the lab. cell. The then took a of the 's and "fed" the . In this way, the what the like. , the the back into the . , they tell T all the in the , so that the can the and the .

The are just as the . The a rise in - T in , the was ! 25 with III/IV , who had a 2-year rate of 100%. In , who did not had a 2-year rate of only 25%. In , as long as the can the 's , it is to keep away from .

更令人惊讶的是,疫苗奇迹般地治愈了一名患者。这位 46 岁的患者患有 IV 期卵巢癌,通常预后很差。此前,她接受了5轮化疗,均无济于事。或许是抱着死马当活马医的态度,她接受了抗癌疫苗治疗,2年内用了28种个体化抗癌疫苗。在治疗期间,她的癌症得到了很好的控制。停药5年未复发,堪称“临床治愈”!

首次确认!揭示了使 PD-1 更有效的新方法!树突状细胞是最好的帮助!


3 免疫军团特种部队-T 细胞

The of the body on the cell army in the body. As a type of , T have an role. They are the in the body. Once are , T will take the to and kill the . , It is also a " T cell".

T (T , Tc or CTL), also as T , are that and kill when . T have a for with . Once with are , they will T to T to or .

CAR-T疗法的全称是T cell,即嵌合抗原受体T细胞疗法。体外扩增后,将其重新注入患者体内,以识别和攻击自身的肿瘤细胞。原文链接:突破实体瘤不是梦!CAR-T新疗法有望治疗胃癌、胰腺癌等实体瘤!


and its role in also play a very role: to the , 35% of are to and . , an and a , also out that a diet can the of and by 90%, , , and by 20%. Can by 10%.

In life, also to know what to eat to . Can more , and sea ? In fact, is no to this . The it, or you time that you need a diet and . In fact, it is true that a diet is the for the of the body, the of .

The is:

, eat more - .

, a low-fat diet.

, eat lean .

, your of the , , , and meat.

When for , the of each are , the of , and to the type of from .

Stay away from and open the door to long-term

In to the use of for and to , it is also to have an and anti- .

As a said his own : "In the face of , who can the that they will win, the of and , work with the , try to to the new , and in the . and , and the , can gain hope of and .”

, we can also see that, the same , some are - and have a will to the , and the is much than who from and . . If the is , even the best will not have the .
